Not as good as the new Prodigy album, but what do you want from two guys who revolutionized electronic music, and then hid behind a dance beat for 10 years?
They claim to’ve “transcended” Big Beat, the style they helped invent: Layered funk and rock beats, tweaked noise howls, and an overwhelming bass sound.
The beats are scattered from the dance hall boom to skittish jungle (and, yes, the “Block Rockin’ Beats”). This holds interest while showcasing mixing styles.
If you’re into the “good music” aspect of electronic music (as in melody, hooks, memorable lyrics/samples), there’s plenty to stick your fork into here.
Why does a band that has become internationally famous for breakbeats and “Loops of Fury” revert to the metronomic bass drum sound that drove so many away?
Whereas Orb was essentially DJ-ing a club, the brothers were playing a rock ‘n’ roll show. They worked the crowd like it was just another knob on the board.
AMP is MTV’s electronica showcase, the place to get up on a future that, for some, has been going on for over a decade. If you’re buying only one, this is it.