Underground Station – Column January 1, 1999 Waiting for Food, is all restaurant placemat drawings, doodles created while Crumb waited for waiters.
Underground Station – Column September 1, 1998 If, ungentle reader, you’re so rich in attitude, then how come you don’t have any Loompanics books? Are you dazed and blasé, or just out of that loop?
Underground Station – Column April 1, 1998 One handsome book that I can recommend unequivocally is Buddy Go Home by Peter Bagge. This is Vol. 4 of the Buddy Bradley stories from Hate.
Underground Station – Column March 1, 1998 When I started collecting underground comix (u.g.s) in the late ’60s I ran up against two conventions that I could neither abide nor fight.
Underground Station – Column December 1, 1997 Juxtapoz is a West Coast magazine produced by Robert Williams, one of the earliest of the Zap contributors.
Underground Station – Column July 1, 1997 David Britton’s Adventures of Meng and Ecker. Banned in England in 1992. About 260 pages of intricate art that is meaner than the famous junkyard dog.
Underground Station – Column June 1, 1997 Fantagraphics have a new Crumb title, Self-Loathing, due out in May for $3.50. This will be in the standard black & white format.
Underground Station – Column April 1, 1997 There’s been a burst of autobiographical comics within the underground. Justin Green, Harvey Pekar and Robert Crumb are just a few of the more prolific.