If Ramones were the Beach Boys of punk, The Queers are the Jan & Dean. The softer, younger brother of surf punk. They’ve got shobby-doo-wops, for God’s sake.
Many camps took Bad Brains’ lead, from Fishbone to watered-down 311 and Sublime. But few have produced a work as edifying and emotionally whole as this.
Rival Skulls trade off between Misfits demonizing “Vampyrism Theory” and AFI hardcore “Luciferian Path” with a humorless but pretty damn cool delivery.
“You just won’t believe how vastly hugely mindboggingly big it is. You may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist, but that’s just peanuts to this.”
A fine mixture of Sabbath and Misfits featuring graciously round guitar work, driving rhythms, and sneaky melodies. Did I mention great soaring harmonies?
Despite and because of the unusual engineering, the room noise and unsafe at any volume recording level, this is the most exciting garage punk in many moons.
For 15 years, Kibo hosted a Usenet group to expound on physics, mathematics, and British sitcoms. Al Gore had to ask his permission to invent the Internet.
Sounds so like Fallen, it could’ve been culled from the same sessions. Not on par with Tori Amos or Kate Bush, but somewhere around Fionna Apple and Jewell.