Chasing Amy – Review

July 1, 1997

Writer/director Kevin Smith knows a thing or two the big guys in Hollywood don’t, like, for instance, how to talk to people under 35 for whom Julia Roberts is not the pinnacle of sexual desirability. But he’s also got a thing or two to learn, or maybe unlearn.

Nietzsche in the ’90s – Fiction

April 1, 1995

Never thought I’d pay to sweat. Never thought I’d expend large quantities of energy to stay in the same place. Never thought I’d willingly submit to VH1.

Cupid’s Painbrush – Fiction

February 1, 1995

There’s a kind of Zen to dipping the paintbrush in the paint can just deep enough, and then sliding it across a window sash, holding it at the perfect angle…

A Valentine’s Message – Fiction

February 1, 1995

All you single women out there are absolutely cool as shit, and most of you [heterosexual] single men are stone-cold petrified by that.

Take the B Train – Fiction

December 1, 1994

I imagine I can hear his finger slipping in and out, and I can almost smell my moisture mixed in with his woody fragrance.

Threesomes – Fiction

November 1, 1994

This report was compiled by asking people at parties to talk about sex, and then trying to remember what they’d said the next day when the alcohol wore off.

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