Anyone who’s played the cult classic Nier probably did the same thing I did: Rushed online to find out who made such a charming, off-the-wall adventure.
The charming story is filled with callbacks and, as always, a tremendous amount of post-game challenges are ready to greet to the truly insane, er, dedicated.
Time and Eternity wins early points for its striking anime art style and its intriguing premise, but the story collapses under the weight of insipid dialogue.
If you can make it through the slow first handful of hours in this 12th installment of the RPG franchise, you’ll have a solid investment that really pays off.
The annual update always brings a truckload of tweaks and new features, like PS Move motion control, overhauled ball physics, now take your season on the go.
Brew up a cup of some strong stuff and sharpen that focus before attempting to wrap your mind around the myriad battlefield tactics, characters, and items.