The sprawling, sun-soaked and varied terrain of Grand Theft Auto V’s Los Angeles and Watch Dogs 2’s San Francisco Bay Area truly feel like gigantic playgrounds.
Toy Soldiers is solid gold: Actual toy soldiers duking it out on a virtual battlefield, reminiscent of those many on-the-rug action figure battles of kids under the age 10.
The Crew, an ambitious new open world racer, aims to take things one step further with an entirely seamless sea-to-shining-sea drive across the 50 states.
It’s hard enough to fill a half hour show with funny material, but it’s quite a feat to keep everything charming and irreverent for hours and hours of gameplay.
The best-playing games are always worth coming back to. Bayonetta, Gears of War. Guitar Hero/Rock Band. Splinter Cell: Blacklist now sneaks onto that list.
Far Cry 3 delivers a full-bodied open world game, showing strength in all areas of its design rather than focusing on one aspect and leaving the remainder to wither.