Darkstalkers Resurrection may not be the royal treatment the series deserves, but as a precursor for a reboot of the franchise, it’s a tantalizing prospect.
It goes without saying that the games are great, but it’s the extra features that make Marvel vs. Capcom Origins a must for any fan of 2D fighting games.
The game takes place in a futuristic world where opposing factions competefor resources, blasting away at each other from cover in a third-person viewpoint.
Deadlight, a stylish side-scroller, doesn’t have many original ideas, but since the ideas it borrows are executed in such a satisfying way, it all works out.
For some games, I need a cup of coffee before I start playing, since they require twitch reflexes and split-second reactions. That’s not the case with Awesomenauts.
This HD resurrection of the brand delivers on the high expectations generated by the pairing of the run ‘n’ gun action of Contra with Arc System Works.