Sacrilicious (Sub Pop)
by Paul Lee
“The Supersuckers are the spawns of hell. They are like a malignant cancer that’s eating away at our children’s morals. We must put an end to them and their kind with the help of the Almighty!!!” Singer/bassist/hellspawn Eddie Spaghetti would probably take this as high praise. After all, he penned lyrics to songs like “The Smoke of Hell” and “Born With a Tail.” On the Supersuckers new release, they continue to corrupt our values, showing us the highway to hell and a great time.
With the 14 songs of corruption on Sacrilicious, their tongues are planted firmly in-cheeks and their chops are mighty. Supersuckers are masters of playing punked-up, powerchord-soaked rock ‘n’ roll. They’re probably as influenced by Black Flag and Motörhead as they are by Ted Nugent and Elvis. After two great (but too short, under 30 minute) albums, The Smoke of Hell and La Mano Cornuda, the Supersuckers have really hit their stride. Thanks in part to the addition of veteran guitarist Rick Sims (formerly of the Digits), Supersuckers have gotten tighter, and better at songwriting. They’ve even put out an album that’s over 40 minutes long! All over this album crawl groovy, fiery tunes. Perfect stuff to fuel up that favorite muscle car.
From the speedy tribute to Ozzy Osbourne, “Ozzy,” to the swinging, “My Victim,” with its horns, to the mellower, bloosey “Don’t Go Blue,” Supersuckers cover a lot of ground. Eddie does most of the singing with his distinctive, wise-cracking tenor voice, but Rick Sims takes over on the bruiser, “Run Like a Motherfucker.” There’s something for everyone here if you dig entertaining, escapist, and often obnoxious rock with plenty of punk influence.
Sacrilicious is one of those albums that die-hard Supersuckers fans might say “Gee, it’s really a hot release, but I hope they don’t get discovered by the posers and the trendsters.” This is an album that could attract all sorts of genres of rockers. Beware the corruption of the Supersuckers and revel in all their crazed glory!