Godsend – In The Electric Mist – Review


In The Electric Mist (Holy)
by Joshua Brown

Not every metal act from Norway is involved in some sensationalist Satanic soap opera. Some just want to play music. Godsend’s music is slow and sleepy, sometimes free-flowing, sometimes strained. They thwart their own efforts in their attempt at dreamy ballad rock. It’s been done bigger and better by countless metalheads, popular and unknown, and Godsend‘s interpretation of the style makes you feel sorry for them. It’s not a good sign when you find yourself rooting for a band (“C’mon, guys. I know you can do it! If you could just place an interesting instrumental break here, and sing less self-consciously…”). The better part of In the Electric Mist can be regarded as interpretive. “Down On You” is their take on “Electric Funeral,” and “Voyage In Oblivion” is like Norwegian Mother Love Bone. Tracks like these aren’t overly problematic. It’s moments like the singer’s reassurance that “the sun will shine again,” where he almost buckles under the strain of carrying each note to its conclusion, that you wonder what they were thinking exactly. Godsend’s latest LP, in the end, is a terminally OK release from a band who I’m sure can do better.