Giants and Little People
In Fact And Fiction #4 $1 (Bob Nelson, 75 Hale St. # 1, Beverly, MA 01915)
by Nik Rainey
Thank gawd for ‘zines – otherwise, what other avenue would eccentric obsessives have for their freakish fascinations? Giants and Little People is the second ‘zine from Massachusetts’ own Bob Nelson (who still puts out a fine Negativland fan organ – see review in #23). It’s packed with references to folks both Liliputian and Brobdingnagian in the mass media. Issue #4 is dominated by a lengthy excerpt from Stephen King’s Danse Macabre about Richard Matheson’s classic fantasy/sci-fi tale The Shrinking Man, but the ever-aware editor also includes recent sightings of vertical anomalies on The Simpsons and examples of films that reverse the natural order of things (adult-dwarfing kids and people-stunting animals). Weird, you say? Hell, yeah, but this ain’t the half of it. Check out Bob’s review of Black Giantess, an adult ‘zine for those who fantasize about sex with really tall Afro-American chicks. (I think I remember reading about that in The Height Report – sorry, bad ’70s pun, forget I said it.)