Prelude to a Lick
by Scott Hefflon
illustration by David Coscia
This, I believe, is what’s called leaving something to the last minute. It’s after 2 AM. They pick up the magazine between 3 and 5 AM. Nothing’s been pasted up yet. Luckily, the Descendents Everything Sucks is blasting loudly enough so that anyone else dumb enough to be up at this hour on a school night won’t hear my wails of “My Pain! My Pain!”
Well, that’s one paragraph done.
To make a point or three; you may have noticed this issue finally has that INTERACTIVE thing I’ve been babbling about in the last few Preludes. Sure, not every band reviewed has one of them neato extension numbers after them (Good Lord did they ever give our illustrious layout staff bedspins). It’s a work in progress, so deal, huh?
Also, I, um, messed up last issue. Besides the usual litany of mistakes I pound my none-too-beefy chest and tear at my rapidly-thinning hair over when the issue comes back from press, this time I did what might qualify as a doosie. Not only did I do a switcheroo on the record label that released 5 Live, I accidentally ran a photo of Fuzzy instead of Fluffy. And their cute little buttons, too. Punk buttons, that is. So, as the third retraction I’ve ever bothered to simper; 5 Live is on Tim/Kerr, not Enclave. Enclave put out Black Eye. My apologies to those involved in any way, shape, size, or form.
I’d like to begin the second column of this trite piece of witless monologue with something profound. Since that ain’t happening, I’ll cut-and-paste from last month’s FreeZine.
In closing, I’d like to toss off an off-hand comment, and yes, I will clean that up; Lollipop Magazine and Lollipop FreeZine are always looking for fresh talent. If ya know diddley dick about writing, drawing, photography, layout, answering the phone, selling ads and used office furniture, data entry, typing, what to do with a three lb. block of head cheese, or just need something to do with your spare time and don’t mind the fact that Attila the Hun had better inter-personal skills than I do, perhaps you’d like to “work” for us. The pay sucks, the benefits suck, but the perks are good and the hours flexible. So,like, send in a letter or a resume. Until the next time I have to write one of these things,
Lick Me.