Nine Wood – New Can of Ice – Review

Nine Wood

New Can of Ice (Vaccination)
by Jon Sarre

Two basses. Two basses, no guitar: to each his own and maybe some credence to the old sayin’ that bassplayers are only frustrated lead guitar players (who, lest we forget, are only egocentric jerks, poor tortured souls). Ninewood, in the interest of equal time, go to bat for the bassists, cuz, like I hinted above, they have two of ’em. They’ve also got one of those drummers who’s probably got that psycho stare that ya get from memorizin’ all of the parts to every Rush song. Plus there’s the singer who’s got a voice like SF’s former star hippie chick, Gracie Slick, and she sounds like she sincerely means every word she enunciates about her gray sweatshirt with the hole in it. Just like I do when I say lo-end heavy dork rock makes my intestines hurt.
(PO Box 20931 Oakland, CA 94611)