The Fairlanes
Songs for Cruising (Suburban Home)
by Scott Hefflon
Great unselfconscious punk! While the drum production is so weak it sounds like tapping pencil erasers on empty Cool Whip containers, you can tell these guys rock. Short & sweet, fast & furious, sometimes so fast the band trips over themselves, and you laugh with them. They’re having fun and so are you. The kinda punk where they talk about going to shows, meeting girls, getting dumped by girls, and how much it sucks when girls don’t call you back. Dumb shit, but shit we all know far too well for these songs not to mean something. Boulder, CO’s version of The Queers, Songs for Cruising is filled with “whoa-a-oh-ohh”s, beautiful guitar licks, and melodies you’ll be singing on yer next roadtrip when y’all have way too much Jolt in your system to be watching the world pass by through the open windows. Bonus track is Lita Ford’s “Kiss Me Deadly,” probably the best recorded song on the CD. This is a keeper.
(PO Box 40757 Denver, CO 80204)