Warrant – Greatest & Latest – Review


Greatest & Latest (Deadline)
by Martin Popoff

Weird world where a loss leader label (long story) formed by the Goth hipsters at Cleopatra would embrace hair metal, then dance an infinite jig around the issue, offer straight tribute albums, techno tribute albums, reissues, and now bands re-recording their thin smash premises. Sounds OK, I guess, Jani and Co. thickening and Whitesnaking their sound to match their new dope look. You can still filter the fact that this is empty party metal though, and the extra dance remixes (thank the moneygrubbers at Queen’s label) are abhorrent (although “Cherry Pie” was disco anyway), doing little to make this thing something you’d slap to your arm like a nicotine patch. Oh yeah, third rehash album in three years.
(13428 Maxella Ave. #251 Marina Del Rey, CA 90292)