Dies Irae
Immolated (Metal Blade)
by Tim Den
Originally Mauser’s band before he joined Vader, Dies Irae split up in the early ’90s before they were able to release anything substantial. Immolated is the guitarist’s attempt to bring it back, with the help of a few fellow friends (including Vader drummer Doc). The new Dies Irae pretty much follows Vader’s formula; even the production sounds the same. Ferocious blasts that somehow sound raw and polished at the same time, conjuring up lyrical imagery ala Morbid Angel’s Blessed are the Sick. Mesopotamian (or some other obscure mythological – evil – ancient culture) references give this album the same creepy but enlightened feel as Vader’s Litany, which is to say Dies Irae is one of those rare breeds of death metal bands whose lyrics don’t make you outright laugh. Feverish grinds, doomsday distortion, commanding vocals… yup, it’s quality Polish death metal.
(2828 Cochran St. PMB 302 Simi Valley, CA 93065)