Selections From Jon Bon Jovi’s Journals – Fiction

April 18, 2003

Jon Bon Jovi filled dozens of notebooks, journals, diaries and cocktail napkins with song lyrics and his thoughts on music, fame, hair spray, and money. The following selections from the journals of Jon Bon Jovi.

XXX – Review

April 18, 2003

While he might come across as somewhat less intellectual than, say, Sylvester Stallone, Vin Diesel does have the charisma necessary to make this flow.

Rather Good – Review

April 18, 2003

Recommended if you find clip art superimposed on out-of-context stuff funny, and like to almost pee yourself laughing at stuff that makes absolutely no sense.

Signs – Review

April 18, 2003

Signs is about an alien invasion, but there are very few aliens. Like the classic Night of the Living Dead, we get a film about people in a bad situation.

Secret Weapons of Kung Fu – Review

April 18, 2003

a DVD sampler of a variety of videos by bands on Kung Fu: Audio Karate, The Ataris, No Use For A Name, Ozma, The Vandals, Antifreeze, Assorted Jelly Beans, Mi6, and Useless I.D..

Priceless – Review

April 18, 2003

People do the stupidest things, and here are sites featuring submitted photos of people doing them.

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