Alexandria Heather – Spooky Action at a Distance – Review

dvd-alexandriaheather200Alexandria Heather

Spooky Action at a Distance
by Wa

Spooky Action at a Distance is a sneak peak of an Alexandria Heather concert experience. With a full band consisting of vocals, two guitars, bass, trumpet, sequencer, tribal drums, and three to five screen projections, it’s a performance lush with unusual sounds and familiar imagery used in a new way. We’re given the full dose of multimedia flair that is Alexandria Heather’s music and visual art. Songs “Big Fish,” “100yrs,” and “US” are catchy, educational, and have a strong sense of civic duty.

Using three screens, she projects an assortment of the most iconic images in our recent history, derived from a wide palette of dot coms, magazines, and news sources. An interesting collage of ideas that makes Michael Moore pale by comparison.