Die Princess Die
Lions Eat Lions (Gold Standard Labs)
by Scott Hefflon
Good name, good producer (Alex Newport, he of The Mars Volta, The Locust, At The Drive-In , Fudge Tunnel, and Nailbomb, bitch!), but kind of lacking in the substance department. Less electro-noise for electro-noise-sake than some, but that’s like having someone shit in your mouth less than someone else. Take the annoyance of digital hardcore, subtract the shouts of revolution (aka, the meaning), and add a jerky Dead Kennedys riff played on the first setting you happen to pick on a keyboard. Uh, one riff. Repeated. Endlessly. I wish I could get behind this stuff, cuz it seems like a real punk thing to do, and it’d irritate everyone around me, but this stuff just feels tossed together and artless, and even punk had a POINT behind all the early missed notes. All these fucks are just too lazy to write anything memorable, just annoying.