Dali’s Llama
By Craig Regala
My immediate comment to the Editor at Lollipop: “I like the Dali’s Llama disc. Bet the dude grew up on SFTRI and Triple X stuff as well as the regular gunk.” I stand by it. The nice thing about search engines is they do some of my work. You search “Sympathy For the Record Industry” or “Triple X Records” and bing!, I get smarter, you know more, and thank fuck for that.
This disc is full of chugging, tense rock and roll with a non-denominational punk ethic curling under hardened boogie cum cock rock guitars/rhythms all riding commentary from a gritty-eyed libertarian position. Yeah, it’s hard to subtract the “screaming into the night, rocking to the dawn” melodramatic “out motherfucker the man” (or at least get laid a bunch and wasted a ton) urge, from such stuff and still “rock out,” but hell, they do. Wouldn’t mind some deaths head blues or noir hysteria; ie: a couple old school L.A. punk covers; say The Gun Club, Leaving Trains, or Flesheaters. Still, to quote my friend Jeremy Bentham*: “Bitch can’t strip to this down the Last Harley Saloon; bitch can’t move fer shit.”
Mix it up with AC/DC, Pygmy Love Circus, Warrior Soul, Supersuckers, Angel City, Buckcherry, The Brought Low, Nashville Pussy, American Dog, and The Needles.
*Bentham’s Principle of Utilitarianism judges actions based on consequences, especially the positive effect of action in rock. His boy John Stuart Mill was to have a similar effect on hip-hop critique.