The Saint James Society
Bab(a/y)lon Rising (Tee Pee Records)
release date: 3/12/2013
by Scott Hefflon
Distinctly ’80s UK post-punk/Goth rock reverb from Austin, Texas’ glammy psychedelic garage rockers. An interesting sound, a well-worn style, and not one I was anticipating from the title track of the curiously-titled “Bab(a/y)lon Rising.” The production keeps the band at a fuzzy distance, but it makes you lean in to decipher what Brandon Burkart is swaggering about this time, with rock goddesses Elza Burkart and Candice Bertalan answering his call. A delicate waver in his voice offsets the jaunty choruses, and the tight guitar and bass network make the rumble sound easy, and it ain’t. At least not done right. Which this is. Anyone missing Spaceman 3 or Spiritualized’s wall of fuzz will appreciate this.