Guns N’ Roses – Perhaps – Music Stream

Guns N’ Roses

Release Date: August 17, 2023
By Scott Deckman

Hell hath frozen over. A new single from Cash N’ Grabbers. Not the first one since the band mostly reunited (it feels so good) in 2016, but who cares, it’s still cause for, well, if not celebration exactly, then something. “Perhaps” has a Use Your Illusion feel, with piano and angst, Axl doing his extra-nasally “aghahhhhhhhh” voice that takes some getting used to, like if you haven’t listened to the first Van Halen record for a while, Dave and his ridiculous “whoas” and “ahhahhhahs!”

The song, Jerry. Yeah, it’s not bad, your wounded cat vocals, Elton Johnish piano grandeur, Axl apologizing about something, maybe showing personal growth – maybe not. Whatever else he is, Rose is an interesting, inscrutable lyricist. There’s a lazy Slash solo in there as well that marks the song as GN’R.

Verdict: If you like the band’s ‘90s output, have several listens.

