Black Brunswicker – The Frolic – Music Stream

Black Brunswicker

“The Frolic”
Nettwerk Music Group
release date: January 26, 2024
by Scott Deckman

Fucking Instagram, you should try it. Seems I get nothing out of it besides ads from music upstarts (that and you know what), of course that’s because I’m dumb enough to keep clicking (algorithms), mostly in hopes of finding something to review for Lollipop. Like today’s post, for instance, “The Frolic” from Black Brunswicker.

For the uninitiated (that used to include me, too), Black Brunswickers were a regiment of German soldiers raised by Frederick William, Duke of Brunswick, to fight against Napolean more than two centuries ago. Today, the Black Brunswicker in question is Manchester, England-based, Indiana transplant Ethan Helfrich. Helfrich’s been plying Twin Peaks-minus-the-creepiness “ambient folk melancholia” over the course of several albums and EPs since 2019 (I have not listened to everything Helfrich’s done, not even close, but from what I’ve heard, this is an apt description). And wouldn’t you know it, Helfrich’s last full-length is named High Peaks, released in 2022. Helfrich also records music under the monicker Rest You Sleeping Giant.

“The Frolic” sounds similar to High Peaks, like Black Brunswicker’s Bandcamp page says, plenty folky and ambient, acoustic guitars fingerpicked slowly with swirly background effects and, according to Helfrich, a “lot of reversed tones,” like maybe Enya had a kid who was more into pot and six strings than keys, and quite drowsy. I could’ve sworn those were synthesizers in the background, but no, it’s an acoustic guitar with pedals and effects. This also brings to mind some of the Brian Eno/Daniel Lanois work with U2, only with a lighter hue. Fans of ambient music can make their own comparisons after listening. I can’t hack a lot of this, but if you’re searching for the dreaded “background music” to chill to while looking out over a lake, mountain, or apartment complex teeming with undesirables, this wouldn’t be a bad choice. I’d call it somnambulant and ethereal, but I’ve used those frickin terms so many times I’ve become stale. Knock back an Ambien and try’r out.

Nettwerk Music Group