Doctor Dream died after releasing “Better Days” and “Kicked in the Teeth Again,” and it knocked the stuffing outta Welt, They regrouped for Brand New Dream.
Leatherface’s most daring record (also their shortest, and their last before breaking up for six years) gets a deserved rebirth, and I’ve got it on repeat.
Horsebox will probably be remembered as the band’s most mature and seasoned output. It has taken over Mush in the cockles of my heart. Quite an achievement.
A fave Colorado punk band (and there’s a surprising number of good bands from the state that gave us Coors and Mork & Mindy, in case you haven’t noticed).
Perhaps one of the most loved new punk bands in a world filled with reasonably decent punk bands, Jon Cougar Concentration Camp never fail to entertain.
A 14-song, 33 minute soundtrack to a snowboarding video and, for a change, not a bunch of songs you wonder how the hell anyone could ever snowboard to.
The re-grouped Brits, led by Frankie Stubbs, kicks off with six hoarse-throated, emotionally-charged punk anthems, pumping as much soul as speed into the songs.