A substantial portion of the electronic beats has been replaced by more grind, and a touch of electrified doom. The guitars sound more assured and comfortable.
20 years of “lumbering abstraction” and “freeform, bass-heavy, feedback-driven improv noise rock.” This stuff can be glorious, or like leaving the vacuum on.
Dataclast’s distorto-growl is lanced off old black/grind LPs and synthetic fuzz via DHR’s discography. The Earwigs remind me of “industrial noise” before dance music and arena rock got mixed in it.
Art punk metal drawing on Touch & Go/AmRep ’80s blithering, grunting rocking units like Butthole Surfers (pre-suck), Killdozer, Helmet, Unsane, and Janitor Joe.
Below the Sound compact dry nagging riffs with a mechanical rabbit-punch whacking from different angles until you’ve been worked over by a sock fulla golfballs.
Weedeater articulates the frustration and despair of being trapped in a mere body of nerves and bone with the modern rock version of the blues: Grinding doom.