6L6 – with Bonehead, Stompbox, and Tree at Axis – Review April 1, 1994 6L6 is a band that doesn’t need group shouts to make a massive vocal impact. From outta this skinny, starvation poster boy comes a bulldozing roar of a voice.
Tree – with Bonehead, 6L6, and Stompbox at Axis – Review April 1, 1994 Tree leapt right into “Engulfed” and didn’t let up for the rest of the night. The whole floor turned into one mass of writhing, flailing bodies.
Stompbox – with Bonehead, 6L6, and Tree at Axis – Review April 1, 1994 Because it was his monster bellowing range that kept cracking, Erich switched to a doom metal roar and a hardcore scream.
Bonehead – with 6L6, Stompbox, and Tree at Axis – Review April 1, 1994 They blew off the funky, groovy little tunes from their demo and stuck with the full speed hardcore and punk rock rants that kept the crowd moving.