These guys drive every cliché into the ground, but there are hints at actual songwriting here, and the vocalist might even qualify as a singer in another year.
Killswitch Engage and Shadows Fall grew outta hardcore (or outgrew hardcore). KSE’s and SF’s clean vocals are pretty bad. OBW’s clean singing is even worse.
Like most straight-ahead metalcore, it’s one-dimensional, but unlike Hatebreed, at least these troops of doom have a pretty clear idea of who the enemy is.
Gritty, nasty, and uncompromising metal-tinged hardcore with nary an opening for melody or hope anywhere in sight. Breakdowns, yelling, and brutality aplenty.
The Tides of Tragedy begins forcefully, with the songs showcasing excellent metal riffs intertwined with hardcore-like chugga-chugga riffs, much like Atreyu.