The fascinating semi-open world structure has been fleshed out and augmented with the combat know-how of developer Platinum Games: It looks and plays great.
Just Cause 3 is an incredible action movie amusement park filled with the tools to create any over-the-top Bond/Bourne/John McClane fantasy in your head.
Anyone who’s played the cult classic Nier probably did the same thing I did: Rushed online to find out who made such a charming, off-the-wall adventure.
Colorful heroes and monsters clash on battlefields like luxury board games, with sparks and explosions of steel and magic lighting up the lush surroundings.
Easily this year’s Shadow Complex, since it pushes the boundaries of what is expected from a downloadable XBLA game, both in terms of presentation and depth.
As secret agent Rico Rodriguez, you cruise, jump, fly, careen, zig-zag, grapple, and buzz around a fictional tropical paradise, working as a gun-for-hire.