Among 13 generic Cali-punk tracks you’ll find four to show the band’s “roots” go deeper than lifting Gregg Graffin solos and paraphrasing Social D lyrics.
Some will be too “street punk” or “mod/garagey” for ya, but it’s just cool to hear bands on TKO and Hellcat back-to-back with Estrus/Bomp!/In the Red bands.
This comp and the tour that supported it brought some of the biggest names in underground music across the nation, raising donations and spreading good music.
The fifth edition in the Fat Music series. I recommend this sampler to anyone who quips that all Fat bands sound the same. That was a long time ago, loser.
Swingin’ Utters ooze authenticity. This San Francisco band has been touring and doing it right for so long for so little, ya really oughtta buy ’em drinks.