The Criminals – Review April 1, 2000 This here self-titled is a 23-minute collection of recordings from ’94-95 (the early days) that’ve been long outta print.
The Criminals – Burning Flesh and Broken Fingers – Review January 1, 2000 The Criminals have that simple ’80s punk thing going on, and while it ain’t nothing new, they’re good at what they do.
Short Music for Short People – Review September 1, 1999 101 bands each contributing a 30 second song. This is a who’s who of punk, from all over the world, spanning decades of punk in its many forms.
The Criminals – Never Been Caught – Review July 1, 1997 The tunes, though void of any pleasantry, are jammed full of conviction. The violence is real, tight, and smoking like a gun against a setting sun.