Marilyn Manson
Antichrist Superstar (Nothing)
by Cunt Rock Girl
I realize the irony of this review: My first review for Lollipop was a Marilyn Manson show and now I’m dissing their newest album. Why? Well, I’m going to tell you.
Currently, MM is doing that industrial-metal thing that’s all the rage. That’s all fine and good. I have never had any problem with bands ripping off old metal licks that I hadn’t heard in the first place with a bunch of synths over them. Sometimes it works. MM’s crack at the genre is average.
Yes, average. Originality is not the key needed to bring your twisted message to the masses. You need fist-pumping, jail bait booty-shaking ROCK, man. And style. I’m not saying their circus-freaks-go-Goth look isn’t cool. But is that enough to make me wanna shell out 15 bucks to buy their CD?
MM is on a mission from SATAN; who gives a horned toad’s ass? Oh, yes, they’re making a profound statement on censorship and political correctness and organized religion and Beelzebub knows what else. In the words of an imbecilic (but accurate) cartoon, “If I wanted to learn, I’d go to school.” What I’m scratching my head about (and a couple of other places ’cause I’m itchy) is this: does MM actually believe that they’re the horned Pied Piper cum, er, come to lead us into hellfire and salvation? Do they believe they’re anything other than a half-baked Alice Cooper clone? Just because you sucked Trent’s dick, Mr. Manson, that doesn’t make you hot shit.