Six Volt Sunbeam
Sur La Table (Extra Strength)
by Nicole Howard
Could’ve been the music playing in the heads of the characters in Slackers, but more reminiscent of the attitude and mentality of Clerks. No surprise there, since founder/guitarist Omar Lee wrote all of the lyrics while at his $7.50/hr job. One would think that this would produce a lot of pissed-off feelings at people in general and a hard, “I’ll-get-all-of-you-back” sound. Instead, Lee just walks along the street, always bordering on something, but what? He never gets mad enough in his light, high-pop songs, such as “Dickhead” and “Half a Tank of Gas.” A purposely loosely constructed sound which churns slightly punk at times, but overall is banally mediocre with straightforward “what-you-see-is-what-you-get” drug-store-type appeal.