Before Foreman pitched mufflers; before Ali lit the Olympic torch; and before Don King redefined big hair, they all made history in a 1974 boxing match.
True to the dark, contrary nature of J.G. Ballard and David Cronenberg, Crash has far more complicated things on its mind than mere titillation on wheels.
Tod A immediately launched into “Bourbon and Division,” a dark cha cha (no, really) which pulsed and throbbed under the hands of this wedding band gone bad.
Wormwood is a toxin, but the amount in Absinthe is negligible. You’d be blind drunk before getting close to the amount of Wormwood needed to do any damage.
“For all I know you could of made the interviews and articles up. I’m guessing no one is subscribing to it cause it’s so dumb. Your ads are even fake.”