Bombshell Rocks
Street Art Gallery (Epitaph)
by Scott Hefflon
Bumming for a new Rancid record? Feel kinda nostalgic for the good ol’ days when powerful, street level yet melodic boot-to-the-head punk gave you a reason to make it through another day? Well, check out Bombshell Rocks. These Swedes rock hard, with a gruff-voiced singer and songwriting ability that makes you wanna joyously slam into yer buds, roughhouse a little, and celebrate the fact that you’re all together, and that’s all that really matters. Street Art Gallery sure doesn’t sound like a debut, it sounds as tight and catchy as seasoned veterans who’ve yet to become jaded or want to stretch their wings and get all artistic and shit. This is pure red-blooded punk, the way it was, and the way it should be.
(2798 Sunset Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90026)