The Latest Craze (Tooth & Nail)
by Scott Hefflon
After being blown away by the EP, Here Comes Fanmail, here’s the 11-song release by ex-Plankeye, Scott Siletta. He started Fanmail and recorded these songs with various members from his scene, and the results are just shy of magic. While never straying from the formula of pop punk, Fanmail delivers the goods with such vitality and perfection, you almost forget you’ve heard it all before. Like good sex, music doesn’t have to be new and different, sometimes it just has to happen. How and why Fanmail is any different or any better is a question best for the philosophers – I just know I like it. With great songwriting (memorable melodies, guitar riffs to play along with), cute and funny lyrics, and well-rounded production, The Latest Craze is a CD to get if you think pop punk has nothing invigorating left to offer.
(PO Box 12698 Seattle, WA 98111)