Music of Mass Destruction (Sanctuary)
by Tim Den
It’s been a long time since Anthrax let loose a live show documentary. Music of Mass Destruction shows that the veterans haven’t slowed down one bit – especially not after the blinding comeback that was We’ve Come For You All – and that they deserve all the respect and admiration they’re currently not getting (cough Ozzfest cough). The performance is hungry, mean, and tight as ’80s spandex, devoured by the 1000+ ravenous fans who never puss out on their end of the bargain.
Newbies “What Doesn’t Die,” “Safe Home,” and “Refused to Be Denied” are apparently already life-long favorites, as the crowd sings along to vocalist Josh Bush’s every word. And when staples like “Antisocial,” “Caught in the Mosh,” “Indians,” and “I Am the Law” whip their proverbial towels on the asses of the audience, everyone bolts up straight and gives it their all. The only exception, unfortunately, comes during a rare performance of “Belly of the Beast,” where a this-is-too-low-for-me-to-sing Bush couldn’t rally the troops. But, again, a rare occasion.
Bush, on the whole, deserves a big hand for singing the shit out of the Belladonna material (even if his between song banter still reeks of Old Metal Guy). He even rips “Metal Thrashing Mad” a new one! Who knew the guy could yelp with the best of ’em?
Bonus material on Music of Mass Destruction includes drummer Charlie Benante’s visit to a collectibles toy factory, a short video diary from rhythm guitarist Scott Ian, a “getting drunk at home” segment from Bush, and a completely irreverent collage of mayhem from lead guitarist Rob Caggiano. Too bad bassist Frank Bello left shortly before the release of this DVD… would’ve loved to see his contribution to these behind-the-scenes clips.
Anthrax have earned their place in metal then, now, and forever. So pick up Music of Mass Destruction and throw the horns up high!
(1540 Broadway New York, NY 10036)