Over The Edge – Tales From The Blacktop Burnout – Review

overtheedge200Over The Edge

Tales From The Blacktop Burnout (Rotten Drunk)
by Scott Hefflon

Surprised I Scream hasn’t nabbed this one yet. Like The Blue Bloods and Darkbuster, a solid Boston punk band still in Boston after that signing frenzy. I mean, when The fuckin’ Explosion get signed, you know the labels are signing anyone with a guitar case in hand. These guys joke around like punks oughtta, but they’re also all pro-troops and pro-working man, again, like blue-collar punk often is. Produced by Jim Siegel at The Outpost, who’s done the Dropkicks and everyone else worth name-dropping. He gets it, ya know? Get these guys on the mp3 CD, cuz there’re some damn good Boston punk bands again, whether anyone not from here (or writing for Razorcake) knows it.