by Scott Hefflon
Hilarious. Takes skilled players to screw around like this. I mean, it opens with a parody of David Lee Roth’s “Yankee Rose” called “Yankee Trombone.” And where else can you hear show tunes, trombone solos, carnival metal, punk pop, and countrified sister-fucking all on one CD? Remember a decade ago when Schlong covered West Side Story from end to end? Or more recently, when The Vandals released Oi! to the World? Sigh. How about just a few months ago when Twisted Sister released a Christmas album? All these bands can play up a storm. So what do you get when you mix talented musicians, some free time, and a bad idea? A novelty album worth checking out.
More bands should get goofy and have fun like this. Best thing Between the Buried and Me ever did was cover Queen’s “Bicycle” flawlessly. I almost starting respecting them. Almost. I’m not talking about bringing back cover comps so punk bands can fumble a Backstreet Boys tune (ahem, and who are the boy bands these days? PUNK BANDS.), I mean that skilled musicians should let loose and record silly songs and fans should buy them beer and give them gas money for putting a smile on their faces.