Abigail Williams – Legend – Review

abigailwilliams200Abigail Williams

Legend (Candlelight)
by Scott Hefflon

Just a five-song teaser EP from a Gothenburg-style Phoenix four-piece. Thrash gallop and blastbeats, blackened shrieks not too high in the mix, keys of terror, and some guitarwork that, like Emperor, is often hard to follow, but ya know it’s amazing. Like most other young metal bands worth knowing about, they pull from lots of great styles to make a mind-numbing, chaotic mess all their own. They sure got the chops to be huge, but they have to overcome a stupid name and a label that can’t even be troubled to send CDs in promo wallets, much less jewel cases (the band name is printed on a mailing label , now attached to a general Candlelight USA wallet, unlike before when they were attached to a blank paper sleeve. They moved one more street closer to the outskirts of the ghetto, but really, this is about as little energy as a label can spend on their bands, ya know?).