Municipal Waste – The Art of Partying – Review

municipalwaste200Municipal Waste

The Art of Partying (Earache)
by Scott Hefflon

Having been 18-20 during the late-’80s thrash/speed metal breakthrough, it’s both a blessing and “the original was better” thing to be in the revival. While many bands are genre tribute bands and would’ve been also-rans back in the day, some bands, like Municipal Waste, get the elements just right, and often bring something new to the fleet-fingered fun, and they pull off their pull-offs and ridiculous lyrics with such sincerity and grace, that you know they’re a great band, regardless of being two decades late for the big show. Doesn’t hurt in my book that the singer reminds me of pre-Crossover D.R.I. (others might namecheck Nuclear Assault, and that’s nothing to be ashamed of either).