The band’s first album showcases the band’s punk roots most obviously. Despite the subject matter and the acoustic guitars, there’s no mistaking the punk roots.
A no-brainer here. Ramones covered by big stars, CD cover by Rob Zombie, liner notes by Steven King. Most of the covers are pretty lame, but what do you expect?
The songs sound much more complete, like he spent time on every element. His writing style, doesn’t sound dated, no matter how reminiscent of his glory days.
It’s appropriate that there’s an airplane on the cover of Panavision, the second album from the Montréal trio Lili Fatale, because it’s all over the place, jumping from genre to genre sometimes within the context of a single song.
Boring. Maybe this is for trudging through the mall, looking cool and checking your cap, the paces slow enough so your pants won’t fall down around your ankles.
Three of the bigger, “brighter” stars in the nü metal scrapheap, as well as also-rans their labels are trying to hype to the hilt to fool the foolable.
Swagger mixed into the plod. They can call this groove-oriented all they want, it’s pretty flat and boring and the singer sounds like he’s taking a shit.