Lather – Fiction

October 1, 1994

I shaved (using, of course, the newly found ancient can of special lather formula). When I’d finished, the rash had disappeared, so I went to work.

Prelude to a Lick – Column

October 1, 1994

Theoretically, I’m supposed to be summarizing “what’s going on” in this issue. Well, it’s hard for me to tell what’s going on because I’m too busy going on…

Broken Shutter Beach – Fiction

September 1, 1994

Victor, You’re stupid and you have broken your poet. Maybe you should come with Jasper. To the island. No shutters ever get fixed but a lot of poets do. -June

Prelude to a Lick – Column

September 1, 1994

You think I’m running this show, but Lollipop is just an excuse for a bunch of speeding kamikazes to shake out the contents of their brains on a piece of paper.

The Culture Bunker – Fiction

September 1, 1994

Civilization is steadily declining, hope is just an ugly backwoods burg in Arkansas, and somewhere Nostradamus is smiling and collecting on his bets.

Water Country – Fiction

August 1, 1994

The fastest water slide in all of New England. I conquered my fear of small children being braver than myself as well as my fear of death, all in the same day.

Mad Matt’s Money Review – Fiction

August 1, 1994

A691641057A – This finski reeks of the gutter, of being passed over the counter of the neighborhood packy for a pint of Dubra a few times too many.

The Brian Setzer Orchestra – Review

August 1, 1994

The release’s finest points are during the more fingersnapping, uptempo big band full-swing numbers when the band members all get to show off their chops.

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