Even with only five songs, Starflyer 59 can take you on a transcendental (Californian) pop trip like no other. They’ve perfected their Pet Sounds-like power.
Another chick punkpop band that bucks most of the pitfalls. Sure, they’re cute, sure, they rock pretty well, sure they write pretty lil’ peppy pop gems.
NOFXian drum thunder and neat production tricks don’t save predictable songwriting and the fact that the singer – husky voice or not – misses a lot of notes.
Starflyer 59’s Pet Sounds (all the way down to the mono recording!): Layers and layers of instruments floating atop of each other like disembodied ghosts.
Armed with a voice that captures Jonah Matranga’s melodic moments and a fetish for Shai Hulud tempos, Chris Carrabba is impressive as a songwriter and frontman.