Mediacrity! – Column

October 1, 1995

The word has come down from the powers that be: There are no more stand-up comedians left to give to sitcoms to.

Cine-Trash – Female Trouble – Column

October 1, 1995

Many aficionados swear by Pink Flamingos, and its dogshit-munching climax does tend to leave an impression. But for my money, you can’t beat his follow-up.

The Culture Bunker – Fiction

September 1, 1995

Our politically-astute production manager gave me two passes to Disgraceland, the home of Richard Milhouse Nixon, one of our nation’s 42 greatest presidents.

Idle Chatter – Column

September 1, 1995

Watch for CBS’ new reality-based newsmagazine, $48/Hr., which follows various second-string celebs as they couple with L.A. prostitutes in hopes of a comeback.

Mediacrity! – Column

September 1, 1995

Note: After a unanimous vote last month, Congress has elected to cut off all of Mediacrity!’s federal funding and most of its hot water.

The Culture Bunker – Fiction

July 1, 1995

He scanned the titles: “The Rhyme of the Ancient Marinara.” “It was the best of times – ah, no it wasn’t.” “Brother, Can You Paradigm?” Inspiration struck.

Cine-Trash – Track 29 – Column

July 1, 1995

An unholy souffle of over-the-top performances (Sandra Bernhard plays Christopher Lloyd’s mistress), weird editing/camera foolery, and muddy Freudianism.

Mediacrity! – Column

July 1, 1995

The plight of the unsold pilot. As a public service, I give you several of the forgotten seedlings, lost in the unforgiving shuffle of TV Land, USA.

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