by Scott Hefflon
Heretix are back, as if you hadn’t noticed. Their story is a classic fairy tale. They top the local charts. They sign to an indie label with vision (namedrop Island here). They start touring and recording “just like the big boys.” The big, bad conglomerate (which shall remain nameless) wolfs down the indie and spits out its bones (the hot, new bands). Heavy sigh. The band wipes off the slobber and starts again.
They release their own damn CD on their own damn label and it does quite well, thank you. (Tongues stuck out at this point in time would certainly be appropriate, but is considered unwise. Some warning about the tally prior to chicken birth…) They play hilarious shows as a T. Rex tribute band called the Sand Dollar Tree Tops dressed in drag or wigs, pull various rock and roller stunts, and, in general, have a blast. Then they acquire the bassist to Left Nut (and old school punk rock fave), and, drumroll please, get signed to CherryDisc. (Who’ve done Tree and Big Catholic Guilt, just in case you haven’t heard of ‘m yet.) Right now, they’re in the studio. “THE END” does not appear, ’cause it ain’t over yet. It’s the beginning of the next chapter. Turn the page.