Aliens Got My Mom!
by Jeb Taylor
illustration by Ans Purins
Nathan had to pee, but he was afraid to get out of bed. The room was dark. The floor was cold, and the movie he’d seen that night was really scary. Nathan’s older brother had rented The Fleshy-Headed Mutant That Digested a Town. It was the first horror movie Nathan had ever seen, and he was only able to watch it because his parents were already in bed. The part of Nathan covered by Superman Underoos started to really tingle. He tried not to think of streaming showers, gushing waterfalls, and gurgling streams. Nathan crossed his legs and curled up, but knew he would have to go soon.
He calculated his trek to the bathroom. Three steps and a jump to turn on the light. Five steps across the cold wood floor to the Super Soaker 2000, in case of fleshy-headed mutants. The hard part was walking down the long hall to the bathroom. The bathroom was all the way at the end, past a closet and his parents’ room. And there was not a light in the hall. Not even a night light. The light from Nathan’s room helped a little, but always by the time he reached the door of his parents’ room, he was swallowed by darkness. His heart would thump, and he’d have to pee a whole lot more as he walked down the hall, touching the wall with his fingertips until he felt the bathroom door. The tingling now became a humming. Nathan thought that if he relaxed a bit, everything would flow out, and he’d have to wake up Mom for new sheets.
Nathan thought of Jake Fist, the hero of the movie. Jake was cool. Jake could handle fleshy-headed mutants. Jake wasn’t afraid to walk to the bathroom if he had to pee really badly. With Jake in mind, Nathan jumped for the light, snatched his Super Soaker 2000, and entered the hallway. He pumped the squirtgun a few times in case anything tried to mess with him. Each step took him farther from the light. Nathan held the gun in attack position. Passed the closet. Parents’ room coming up. Stop. Noises from his parents’ room. He stood next to the door and listened. Some sort of grumbling or moaning. Hey, that’s Mom. She sounds like she’s in trouble. Nathan’s eyes widened and he forgot about having to pee. He thought of fleshy-headed mutants and gripped his Super Soaker 2000. A gruff voice from inside the room mumbled, “Talk to me, baby.” My God, thought Nathan, mutants have got my Mom, and they’re trying to make her talk. This was no time to pee. He gently turned the doorknob and opened it slightly. Launching himself through the door and spraying the room with rapid-fire blasts, Nate Fist screamed triumphantly “Off my mom, mutant scum!”