Decoded Feedback
Evolution (Metropolis)
by Chris Best
Decoded Feedback know enough to keep things simple. Evolution, containing half new tracks and half remixes, is more like their first album than Bio-Vital, but worth checking out. Kevorkian Death Cycle are also up to their old tricks, sounding the same as always. What else can a one say about two bands that, despite how awesome they are within their genre, are pretty boring. And I don’t believe that cheap production costs is an excuse for flooding the market with sub-par material. Not even the mandatory ’80s cover is fun. Well, Decoded Feedback didn’t do one, but Kevorkian blew it.
They covered Frankie Goes To Hollywood’s “Relax.” If gay rights groups protest one cause this year, it should be this desecration of their cultural heritage. The saddest thing is that for all their effort to butch up the song, it comes off sounding like Laibach. And that’s not a compliment. Holly Johnson, Paul Rutherford, and the rest of the lads didn’t ride a Sherman tank through Washington D.C. waving the Soviet flag so some pasty industrial dorks could shit on their dream of cruising the world, so I suggest reparations are in order.
(PO Box 54307 Philadelphia, PA 19105)