Die Hunns
You Rot Me (Volcom)
by Scott Hefflon
I’m always let down by each Die Hunns CD, which is funny, cuz you’d think I’d just lower my expectations. I keep thinking that with U.S. Bombs’ Duane Peters and ex-Nashville Pussy Cory Parks at the helm, you could trust their musical knowledge, songwriting talent, and decision-making abilities. Maybe I give them too much credit, or maybe they’re just into stuff I haven’t the faintest interest in. Cuz sure, this ain’t punk rock from end to end, it ain’t roots rock, it’s, I dunno, r&b-influenced rock’n’roll, but on the level of a cover band from the ’70s that never had the chops to get outta the dives. It’s familiar and classic-sounding, sure, but it’s as exciting as a bar band whose name yer not curious to find out playing a passable cover of a good tune while you’re talking with friends at the bar, and I’d like to get more from these vets. Side note: Duane Peters is looking more and more like Mickey Rourke every year.