Alkaline Trio turns me all to miserable jelly every time I hear a new heart-wrenching song, and their six fantastic new songs on this album are no exception.
If I have to listen to one more “Punk Rock Sampler” as punk as Christina Aguilera and Backstreet Boys, I will rip out every hair on my head, very slowly.
Hear the bands you’ve heard everyone talk about, and spit at the shit bands that, for some reason, are cheered instead of beaten up in the parking lot.
Hotshot punkpop and emopunk bands, and some up-and-comers. Unreleased tracks can be a misleading introduction, but it’s a nice addition for serious music fans.
Lookout Records is now a shadow of its former self, while I’m listening to Enslaved and getting closer and closer to giving up on “pop-punk” altogether.
Another Year on the Streets Volume 2 is pretty easy to summarize. Everyone knows which side of the fence they’re on, so why don’t I just point to the fence?
With two originals and a cover of HWM’s “Rooftops,” Alkaline Trio turn power chords and jaded ex-boyfriend sentiments into contagious doses of punk beauty.