The Third Eye
by Nicole Howard
illustration by RAchelle
Aura-right. We live in a world where emotions are colors. Colors are more powerful than words, but with only words to express them. I am throwing colors like balls of play dough at the world, chakra this! If I ever really felt, it was a color that came flying out. I am so busy all the time trying to invent a color, because I don’t think that they’ve all been created yet.
We live and swim in the clear air, which isn’t clear really, but too brilliant for the eye to contain. These spirals of color wink around affecting us, and can explain all of the things we blame on the moon. Our colors ram and jam into one another every time we meet.
I’m automatically jealous of anyone who can see auras. Hours of concentration gives me nothing but a throbbing headache. An aura is described as a “fine, ethereal radiation or emanation surrounding each and every living human being.” (Swami Panchadasi) Aura’s are millions of tiny astral projections flying off the seat of the skin. There should be telescopes for this, but the only way that I’ll ever see them is through the Russian process of Kirlian photography, which “visually represents the ethereal and physioelectrical body of a human being.” (Johannes Fisslinger) Although auras have been seen and documented for thousands of years, it has only been in the past fifty years that photography of them has become possible.
I tromped off to Aura Camera 3000 at Open Doors in Braintree for a snapshot and print-out, and I couldn’t help noticing the resemblance that the aura-flight apparatus has to an electric chair. They were going to shock my colors cold and I wasn’t ready to go, yet. I was seated ramrod straight, feet placed on the ground, a bright light shining on my face. Each hand was placed on a sensor, which measures the electromagnetic energy field, then transmutes it into colors in the camera, which produces a Polaroid photograph and accompanying printout of what the colors mean.
This is what is supposed to happen, but simultaneously both the camera and printer go haywire, while the photographer tries to blame it (ha-ha) on the harvest moon. But I know the truth, my aura is too powerful to be photographed and wrecked the paltry machinery. My colors are mad and have attacked once again! After much shuffling around, it was determined that there would be no print-outs to accompany the photographs, so I have no idea what my aura means. I ponder the logic of this, but the other two women there have their own spiritual guides to assess their aura status. Puleeze. I sure don’t, and their other-worldly conversation is making me feel sick and numb, like I took a wrong turn somewhere, or maybe I just picked the wrong chair. Now I realize why there seems to be a shortage of aura readers in the general Boston area, they are hiding from people like this! My photograph leaps from the machine and I am… a rainbow of color. And I am… wondering what my colors mean.
So, I did the work myself and got books, The Human Aura Astral Colors and Thought Forms and What Color Is Your Aura? for some color definitions. Although different colors may be negative or positive depending on the person that they belong to, there are some general characteristics that accompany each color. Red, the color of blood, is life force, a strong grounding in physical reality and alertness. Orange indicates equality between inner and outer communication and intellectual ambition. Yellow represents strong intellect and personality. Green stands for clarity, harmony, change and new life. Blue is spiritual growth, God consciousness and a highly developed intuition. Deeper still, indigo, is inner silence and psychic energy. Violet connotates creativity and the ability to absorb spiritual information. Black means hatred, malice, and revenge. These are just the primary colors and are not inclusive of secondaries, such as lavender or magenta.
Aura photography is quirky for a variety of reasons. Your aura stretches out from your body anywhere from two to six feet. Closest to your body is the band that you were born with that denotes your basic personality and “soul” structure. This is the pattern that your aura reverts to when you are at rest. The majority of the time, however, your aura is constantly moving around and changing. The outer band demonstrates your current activity. As your emotions change, so do the colors. Even eating certain foods will cause fluctuations. When you are deep in conversation with someone, your colors may blend together and take on the same tones. Thus, any Kirlian photograph that you have taken will only produce what your aura was doing at that moment.
If you are interested in figuring out what color your aura is, but don’t happen to have an aura reader lying around, don’t fret. I’ve got a book for you. What Color Is Your Aura? by Barbara Bowers, Ph.D., has a questionnaire with 98 items that determine your aura color, but the validity of this is questionable. I took the test to see if I would come up with the same colors as the ones in my photograph, but they did not match. It is inconsistent in that a lot of the questions are skewed so that you have to maintain the same idea with no variation throughout all the items. But it is one step closer to living color to color.