Slowpoke – Review

June 1, 1993

With all the talent and experience behind each band member in the Western MA grunge/funk band, there is little doubt that they’ll be successful.

The Cinch – Review

June 1, 1993

The Cinch, formerly Livewire (and no, they were never a Mötley Crüe cover band!), is essentially a be-bop party band.

Velvet Voodoo Dolls – Review

June 1, 1993

The six songs on their pre-release range from solid, driving blues jams, to soulful, hard-edged grit rock, to some seriously giddy, groovy frolics.

700 Miles – Review

June 1, 1993

From melodious, street-level sub-pop grit to hard-edged acoustic R.E.M.ish semi-folk to alternative blues jams with twangy harmonies and congos… congos?!

Little John – I Wanna Be Sure – Review

June 1, 1993

“I Wanna Be Sure,” the first of the record’s two songs, captures Little John at their most infectious. The song has been called cute, but hey, it’s refreshing.

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